Tag Archive | youtube

Provisional Cast-On with Circular Needles

This is part of our Provisional Cast-On or “Live Stitches” Tutorials.

On this particular tutorial Joanne will be showing you how to cast-one around circular or “cabled” needles.

Hope you enjoy it!

Provisional Cast-On with Scrap Yarn | Live Stitch Knitting | Floating Stitches

This is the first of the series.

With provisional stitches or “live stitches” (the ones you keep open on one side of your knitted project) you can make all kinds of pieces: anything from a Cowl or simply if you don’t know what kind of finish to have on the bottom of a sweater or whatever you’re knitting…then this is what the Provisional Cast-on is for. Basically, a way to keep your project open on one end to make changes if necessary.

On this video, Joanne casts-on Provisional Stitches using a scrap yarn:

More ways to have Provisional or Live Stitches will be shown in upcoming videos…stay tunned!

Finish a round knit | Finish a circular knit with i cord

A good youtube friend asked us a valuable question and Joanne made a video response to her question:

Good video but would you cast on the regular way? And say if you wanted to make a hat, how would you do that? And how do you cast off without sealing the top off? Please help !

 And here’s the video response:
Using two double-pointe needles you can cast-onto them: one and one. Then finish the trim whichever way you want: we used a nice icord trim.

We’re partners!

We just got the amazing good news that we’ve reached our goal to become YOUTUBE PARTNERS!

Now, we have even more energy and motivation to keep posting those amazing video tutorials we love bringing to you!.

Please subscribe to Joanne’s Channel: http://www.youtube.com/joannesweb/ and participate in our growing community of KNITTERS 😀



—Joanne and Ana.

The Feather and Fan Stitch

Here it is, friends:

And the pattern instructions:

                                         Fan and Feather

Row 1.- (RS) *(Knit 2 together) 3 times,

                       (knit one, yarn over) 6 times,

                       (knit 2 together) 3 times.

                       (these last 3, together with the first 3

                        stitches, will show as knit 2 together 6 times).

Row 2 and 3.- Knit.

Row 4.- Purl.

The Brioche Stitch

Our new tutorial, The Brioche Stitch.

Here are the pattern instructions:


Multiple of 2 + 1

                  Slip one purlwise (yarn is in front) knit 2 together, *yarn over

                  (by bringing yarn to the front), pass one purlwise, knit 2 together*.

                  Do this to the end of row.

It is the same on each row.

Both sides look the same. It has the advantage that it doesn’t curl.

Very nice for hats, scarves and thick sweaters.

It’s very similar to the fisherman’s stitch.

Make sure to use a string of yarn, to pass across the stitches that are on the needle, every 5 inches or so, just in case you make a mistake and need to unknit. It is a little difficult to pick up stitches when unknitting, using this stitch.